Accredited Healer Training

I first trained as a healer in 1985 and have since Mastered many different healing modalities, each with their own specific vibration.
I don't believe that one system 'fits all', and that equipped with different tools you can better deliver the most appropriate healing frequency for your client.
All the courses I teach are fully accredited by professional bodies (IOATH, HPAI and the Angelic Reiki Association).
I am passionate about quality training, creating firm foundations to ensure that YOU have the best opportunity to soar, to develop in a safe and supportive space.
I teach healing in person at workshops, training courses and retreat centres worldwide and online. Many of my courses are fully booked from waiting lists and not advertised, so please contact me if you see a course you would like to study and I can add your name to the waiting list. Here's what I offer:
Angelic Reiki 1& 2 and 3 & 4
These workshops impart the unique system of healing channeled from Archangel Metatron by Kevin Core in 2002 through a series of Attunements. These connect students with their Personal Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis. These workshops are designed and certificated by the Angelic Reiki Association.
Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing has been around since mankind existed. It is an ancient therapy that works with the natural power of crystals and gemstones to help improve health and well-being. Crystal healing is a safe non-invasive therapy, that can be clearly felt by the participants and has wonderful lasting benefits. I offer the following practitioner courses:
Crystal Chakra Healing (Level 1 & 2)
Crystal Lightworker (Level 1)
Metacrystals (Level 2)
Crystal Angel Lightworker (Level 3)
Divine Energy Healing
Divine Energy Healing is a unique 21st Century energy healing modality channeled by Crystal Rose Addison in 2019 from Ascended Masters. There are 3 Levels:
Level 1) Self & Family/Friends Healing - Divine Heart
Level 2) Practitioner - attunements can be done from 33 days after Level One - Divine Healer
Level 3) Master Teacher - Divine Teacher - which can be taught to existing Master Healers from 33 days after Level 2; if you are new to healing a short 'apprenticeship' applies.
I was the first Master Teacher of this modality and hold attunements for all levels on a regular basis. The attunements take place in two separate sessions on the same day over Zoom. On completion you will be sent a manual and certificate via email. This training is a professional qualification accredited by The International Association of Therapists. There is no obligation to do all levels.
Divine Feminine Reiki™
The Divine Feminine Reiki Healing™ system is an attunement based energy healing system directly channeled from the Ascended Master Collective by Angela Medway-Smith over several months in 2021 and 2022; the primary patrons of the system are Awdesh (the Goddess of the Void), Lady Annami and Lady Portia.
The Masters inform us this energy has been available to humankind in different formats at different times over the centuries. In Atlantis it was taught to the Priestesses of the Divine Mother who served the Royal Family of Spirit as Midwives and Guardians of the Voidal Portal. This energy was available to recipients to restore balance in all areas of mind, body and spirit by connecting them to the energy of the Void. This energy is combined with the vibrations of the Silver Violet Flame and we now know this energy healing system as Divine Feminine Reiki™.
This training is a professional qualification accredited by The International Association of Therapists.
Goddess Healing
Become initiated into the divine expression of unconditional love with the Goddess & Angelic Archeia vibrations. This energy is gifted by the sacred sisters Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada) & the female archangels.
This powerful, high-vibrational holy healing modality connects you with a sacred and loving frequency of divine feminine consciousness that will accelerate your spiritual growth, hold your life path in all ways, and initiate you as a healer of light, the Goddess and Angelic Realms.
Learn to connect and channel healing from Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada), Lady Sarah & Lady Anna (and other goddess energy) as well as holding the sacred space for the Archeia, The Female Angelic Energies of light.
Mary Magdalene Reiki
The Attunement to Mary Magdalene Reiki is different from other attunements in that it brings a balance of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies within each person attuned. This healing system brings forth the energy of unconditional love and strength embodied by Mary Magdalene as she steps forward as a great servant of the Light, raising consciousness and vibration through her deep love, compassion and devotion to humanity.
With this Reiki of Mary Magdalene we will awaken our inner magic ability to trust and flow and develop the ability to awaken to the connection with the female energy from which will flow comfort, enthusiasm for living in the now, unconditional love and connection with your authentic self. Mary Magdalene Reiki brings a deep feeling of calm, and from that deep sense of calmness comes the strength we all need in order to move forward. It is a beautiful attunement of empowerment.
This training is a professional qualification accredited by The Spanish Reiki Association and The International Association of Therapists.
Metatron Healing
This is a new body of work which reveals the in-depth spiritual principles that underpin the power of The Archangel Metatron; a divine invitation to discover the principles of The Angelic Kingdom of Light and the sacred esoteric wisdom in which Angelic Reiki is based upon as well and developing new healing methods, tools and understanding of your work with the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
Included in the workshop are techniques to enhance your healing sessions, newly channeled healing techniques, an overview of the role of the healer in death and dying, Ascension Changes, Sacred Geometry and Platonic Solids for Healing & Personal Mastery, a powerful new angelic attunement to the Merkabah, Ascension Activation Crystal Layout Healing Method and much more.
This workshop is designed and certificated by the Angelic Reiki Association.
Shamanic Healing - The Munay-Ki Rites
For millennia, the shamans of the Andes have understood what Western culture has ignored: true healing is the awakening to a vision of our healed nature and the experience of infinity. Their closely guarded healing practices are a set of sacred technologies that transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way we live and die.
I offer tuition and transmission of these Rites (1-9 and the 13th Rite of the Womb), both in person and online.
Soul Midwifery for Healers
Death can eclipse and shatter everything, but when a death is good the room is filled with peace and all the pain that went before it is forgotten; where there was mystery there is knowledge and where there was fear there is love. This is the work of the Soul Midwife.
The intention of this course is not only to teach and share powerful knowledge, but also to inspire and equip those who are called in the most holy way, for the essential work of caring for the dying with our angelic and celestial hosts.
This workshop has been designed for healers who want to work with people at the end of life, support those to cross the sacred threshold, care for the spirit and support the journey before and after death. Helping dying people experience a good death is the work of the Master Healer in the 21st Century.
This workshop is designed and certificated by the Angelic Reiki Association.
Spiritual Healing
An intensive and in-depth qualification in the art of Spiritual Healing. I teach this qualification in Wales and London during the evening and at weekends; it involves 30 hours of classroom study and 70 hours of observed practice prior to external assessment.
An overview of the course can be found on the HPAI website.
Violet Flame Rescue Healing
The Violet Flame Chakra is a new energy centre within your Being. With the Awakening of your Violet Flame Chakra your energetic frequency rises, enabling powerful transformation and increased progress upon your spiritual journey. Connecting to the energy of your Violet Flame Chakra ignites your personal potential, and this can manifest in all areas of your life – the expansion is not limited to those areas which might be considered “spiritual”.
The Awakening of this Chakra brings access to powerful healing tools, the Rescue Flames, associated with the energy of the Violet Flame that were previously inaccessible, together with the blessing of higher clairvoyance "Seeing With The Eyes Of The Soul".
This training is a professional qualification accredited by The International Association of Therapists.
If you can't see a forthcoming course, contact me to be added to the waiting list: