Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual Guidance
My fees depend on the type of service, & length of the appointment that you book.

Clairvoyant Spiritual Consultations
I focus on finding the answers to your questions about relationships, family, career and life path. My work is practical and relevant and can provide you with the information you need to make the best choices for yourself.
As well as the tarot, I use crystal dowsing, mediumship, oracle cards and psychometry in my readings to provide guidance on any aspect of your life or business.
Personal, group, telephone and internet readings are available.

Soul to Soul Channelled Guidance
Direct Soul to Soul guidance channelled from high vibrational beings. Angela Orora acts as a medium to allow you to converse with guides Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm, to enable you to ask questions about your soul's path, past incarnations and questions relating to your life.
Direct chanelling duration varies, the hour appointment allows time for your questions before and following the session.

Four Allies Spiritual Guidance
Channelled from the Ascended Masters & the Angelic Realm. Your reading is conducted remotely and you will receive a downloadable sound file. It focuses on your allies from the four directions, Air, Earth, Water & Fire elements that you can align to for support with your spiritual path, eg a specific crystal (Earth Ally), Angel/Ascended Master (Air), etc. I am blessed to be a channel for many Angels & Ascended Masters including St Germain, Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, White Eagle who may contribute a personal message of support and guidance.

Soul Ascension Plan Channelled Reading
I consult guides, angels and Ascended Masters on your behalf for guidance for you based on the system of Ascension Numerology brought to us by the Ascended Master St Germain.
You receive a written report delivered by e-mail detailing your Destiny, Soul, Spirit and Karma number and their significance together with a sound file with a recording of your channelled reading from a the guide, Archangel or Ascended Master who steps forward for you.